Summer Haze + Reader survey

Hello friends!

First, blogging things. I am still in the midst of moving over to self-hosted. Right now I am waiting for my domain to be released, which I can thank Cora for making that more clear to me. This tech stuff is like another language to me! I am fighting through the set backs, because I’m excited for the opportunities that expanding my blog may bring. To help me work through this process, I created an anonymous reader survey I’d love for you to complete. It’s only five short questions. (Click here!) I’m wanting to do a Q&A post soon, so one of the items on the survey is place to write a question you may have for me. Although The Domestikated Life is a personal blog, I want it to be meaningful for others too. So if you could take just a few minutes to complete the survey, I’d greatly appreciate it!

Thank you all for your congratulations! I’m still riding the happiness train of graduation! Terry got me my very favorite dessert, an ice cream cake, to celebrate! It was too delicious for words. I’m not a big icing person, but the icing on this cakes was finger licking good!

On an unrelated note, I have to say, I feel like I am in a weird place right now. I haven’t quite fell into a routine yet since school ended. I still feel like I am busy and don’t have much time, but I’ve also being doing things like taking naps, reading for pleasure, sleeping in, and watching movies on week nights. I guess I can’t say I’m all that busy.

I think it’s hard to pull myself out of that constant of “what am I supposed to be doing right now?” that goes along with being in school. When I was in classes, I’d often tell myself “I’ll do that later when I find time.” I’m still saying that and now I actually have time. I think my brain is a little worn down… definitely have the “brain fog” going on. I think I’ll just have to give it some time to recuperate. More naps?

I’ve been spending a lot of time outdoors, meeting my friends for runs and eating meals on the porch with Terry. I’m actually sitting outside right now working on this post! Warm weather is my favorite and I feel like my mood is 100% better.

^Went for a walk at the river walk one evening with Terry.

^Failed vegetable lasagna. At least it tasted good!

Also I really like my job so far. The cupcakery is super cute and I like getting to see a variety of customers throughout the day. Even though I only speak to most of them for less than a minute, I love being able to engage with so many different people. Working with people on a daily basis is really important to me. I don’t think I could work a job where I stayed behind a screen or in an office all day.

Other summer activities include planning for a short anniversary trip with Terry. If anyone knows of any “must dos” in Charleston, let me know. We’ve been a hundred times, but I know there is still plenty we haven’t done yet.

That’s all for today. I’ll see you tomorrow with some yummy eats. Don’t forget to please do the reader survey! ❤

Are you in summer mode yet? Do you have trouble falling into new routines?

14 thoughts on “Summer Haze + Reader survey

  1. I’ve loved ALL of my customer service jobs!! It’s so nice to interact with people and also make them happy by giving them food!

    As for routines I actually just realized something about me. When a new routine presents itself I immediately HATE IT. Like, think my life is over, no one’s life is worse than mine, hate it. But after two weeks (yes, I’ve timed it) whatever it is immediately becomes my first choice in terms of routine–even my old one that I loved doesn’t look so appealing.

    I’m so weird.

  2. I think this makes complete and total sense. I’m also still feeling really wonky with my time and scheduling and actually feel like I have zero time to do the things I need to do – even though I’m not in school and just have to work around my work schedule. I think we can both lay trust in the fact we’ve only been out for a very short time and that – with patience – we’ll learn a routine that works for us and learn when we can find time to do those extra things. It’ll feel messy for a short while longer but I’m sure you’ll feel way more at ease soon.
    Plus – taking that extra time to have your naps and weeknight movies etc sounds exactly how you should be spending it right now :). Brain fog is totally thing.
    Will get to your survey this evening for sure!

  3. I don’t mind a new routine as long as it’s like, a set new routine. I don’t really like having a random schedule. That sucks. However, my work changes from day to do, so I never really have an exact schedule. I’m still figuring out self hosting too. Did you use blue Host?

  4. I’m sure a new routine is kind of a challenge, but it looks like you’re transitioning super well. I also love engaging with different people and learning their stories (as much as you can in a few minutes.) You just look so happy and rested Kate! 🙂 Going to take the survey now.

  5. We just booked an airbnb in Charleston while we’re there on our road trip this August! We’ve also been looking into what we should do while we’re there…besides go to the beach.

  6. I think you’ll eventually find your groove and new schedule and it will come naturally and more unexpected. I know the feeling, though, of wanting the normalcy, and it’s weird yet exciting all at the same time. That cupcake looks dreamy!

  7. I did the survey :)! The cupcakes look delicious, I’d want some alllll the time. Honestly I work at a desk all day and it kills me, I totally relate to working more with people. I love to talk and all I do is get in trouble at work when I talk (I got moved to the very back so I couldn’t be able to talk to anyone, I sometimes feel like I’m in kindergarten…)
    I always feel like when I finish school I’d have so much free time and it becomes quite the opposite, I feel you!

    1. Thank you Stephanie! I wish I could bring your cupcakes.
      That’s kind of hilarious about being put in the corner, but if I was your boss I’d probably put you beside me so we could chat, haha!

  8. Congrats on the blog move, the graduation… and the cake. Hahaha! Don’t put too much pressure on yourself – you have the rest of your life to be organized and have to be places. Enjoy a little freedom!

  9. Kate, I’m feeling so terrible for missing your graduation/congratulating in time. Better late than never so: congratulations!!! It was so interesting to read a bit more about your studies and I’m excited to see what’s next for you with an internship and everything.
    I can completely relate to what you’re saying about routines and having plans “for when I have some more time”. Allow yourself a few weeks or so to get settled in your job and remember that after months of work and stressing you really deserve to nap, relax and live into the days with no concrete plan – aside from work obviously.
    Fingers crossed for your on-going move to self-hosting!

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