Top 3 Friday #9

Happy Friday! Woop woop!

Here I am, still not self-hosted. I was naive to think it would only take a week, huh?  I’m basically waiting on one thing to go through before I can move on. However, I am really pumped for the future Top 3 Friday link-up! I have my fingers crossed for next week, but I am treading in unfamiliar waters, so I can’t say for sure. Though you should know, I love reading the top 3 posts some of you are already doing.

Also, thank you guys so much for completing my reader survey. If you haven’t yet, there is still time! Click Here! I’m really excited for the Q&A post.

Without further chit chat, here is this past week’s top 3:

Top 3 Eats

  1. Garlic knots– When I went home to visit for the day, we went to dinner at an old favorite Greek/Italian restaurant. I worked there in high school as a hostess and would often eat the knots fresh out of the oven without bothering to butter them because the dough was so good!
  2. Turkey burger quesadilla– Since I work some nights I’ve been trying to prepare a yummy dinner for Terry and I, but one that is portable for me. I used a whole wheat tortilla and stuffed it with an onion-y turkey burger, mayo/mustard mix, tomato slices, spinach, and pickles. It was so dang satisfying!
  3. Grilled chicken Greek salad-  After work one day Terry and I wanted to go on a date. My body was screaming “veggies please!” and this was exactly what I needed. PS I didn’t eat the olives because I hate them. They may be my least favorite food ever. I wish I liked them.

Top 3 Lows 

  1. Well, my first “low” is really the only one that matters. My Grandma’s love of 27 years passed away this week. I’m so sad for her and can’t imagine how much she misses him. If you think about it, please say a prayer for her and his family.
  2. On more trivial things, I’m really behind in my blog reading & commenting & comment replying!! I hate getting behind on these things, especially since I’m so grateful for this community! I’ll either catch up or do better. One of the two for sure,
  3. More GI issues without much explanation. I’ll be having two more doctor’s appointments before the end of this month, so I’m praying I’ll have a clearer idea of what steps I need to take to get better!

Top 3 Highs 

  1. Picnic-ing with girlfriends. We had a graduation photo shoot followed by a delicious picnic. I love this freedom of being able to picnic together on a weekday for lunch. Everyone brought such delicious food and we had a blast.
  2. Getting to see my family! We took the trip down to watch my nephew play baseball, but we got to see others too. I am hoping to make plenty more trips down there this summer since I have real days off and not just study days.
  3. Having a job I enjoy- this is big. I wanted to have a relaxing summer and having a job that I don’t leave feeling stressed is so nice. It’s really a great environment!

Top 3 Instagrams 

Top 3 Articles/Posts

John Oliver explains why so much ‘science’ you read about is bogus via The Washington Post -> so important!!

Restrictive diets may cause thyroid troubles in young kids via Medline Plus

Why the Low Fat and Cholesterol Diet Craze Was a Huge Fail via Fannetastic Food

So you tell me-

What are your top 3 highs/lows?

Are you a fan of olives?

14 thoughts on “Top 3 Friday #9

  1. So sorry to hear about your grandmother’s love. A turkey quesadilla burger sounds awesome, and you know I love picnicing. Your nephew is adorable! Was he the one on your snapchat?

  2. Ugh, all of the blog tech stuff is the worst! I started out self-hosted, which I think may’ve saved me a bit of the headache but I’ve had my share of site crashes and bizarre tech problems, too. Fingers crossed that your self-hosted site will be up and running soon!

    And those garlic knots- LOVE. They’re my favorite kinds of roll ever so it would’ve been dangerous for me to work at that restaurant haha!

  3. I am behind on blogging and all this week bc of finals … I don’t like being away from this community because I love it so much! Praying your tummy issues go away and for your grandmother! Also- those garlic knots look fab

  4. Your hosting issues are NOT encouraging to me, haha. Hoping you get things sorted out soon. I think I may switch sooner than later even though we’re still working on a design simply because I want to start submitting writing to ScaryMommy and other sites and would prefer linking back to my “new” URL instead of my old one. Gosh I wish I was a techie!

    Those garlic knots look awesome, and I’m so sorry about your grandmother’s loss. I pray she finds peace and comfort during a lonely and sad time.

  5. Those garlic knots look incredible. And a turkey burger quesadilla sounds like such an odd combination, but surprisingly, I don’t mind it. I’m thrilled to read you’re enjoying your new job! Every job should feel like that.

  6. I agree with everyone else… those are doughy garlicky hunks of heaven!
    I’m pretty indifferent towards olives- there’s a time and a place. But I have friends who can (and do) eat them by the jar.
    Loved the article about iodine and thyroid issues in children. xx

  7. I’m sorry to hear about your family’s loss. They will be in my prayers.

    I’m a little late to the Friday favs game but Saturday at 7am is basically still Friday, right? Sure. Here goes!

    Top highs
    1. Seeing my sister graduate yesterday!!! I was even more proud of her than I thought I was!
    2. Having one of those “reconnecting” days with my boyfriend. It was his birthday and for whatever reason we just had an amazing evening together and I feel closer than ever. Then I left for Virginia the next day 😉
    3. Honestly there are so many highs this week but just being with my family this weekend and telling my mind to shut it in regards to food. So far it’s been amazing. Stressful at times, but amazing. Family is SO important and we aren’t all together very often so I’m truly cherishing this weekend.

    Happy Saturday to you!!

    1. Yay for your sister!! And I feel like those special days with the significant other is so important- doing something out of the ordinary.
      I love family time too. We don’t always mesh quite right, by it’s so worth it!

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